sara + ryan | austin wedding
featured, weddings featured, weddings

sara + ryan | austin wedding

this is sara and ryan. fantastic people; with obvious amazing taste. not sure they could have picked a better day to be married in austin. or they could be any sweeter to each other. to both of you; thank you very much for letting me be apart of your day. seriously.

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allison + benjamin | engagements
e-sesh e-sesh

allison + benjamin | engagements

allison and benjamin are two awesome people who were absolutely meant to be together. they found each other. it's like magic watching them. benjamin is a badass tennis player, and allison is an artist. a very very good one. we hit up the heights, and enjoyed ourselves even in the rain. fate brought us to a parking garage/tennis court. benjamin was VERY excited.

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Darker On Black Series
weddings weddings

Darker On Black Series

Over the past few years, I've heard so many photographer friends preach how important personal work is. How important it is to continue to define your style through shooting your life. Pushing your passion further and further.

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VJ + Nicole : Preview..More to come!!
weddings weddings

VJ + Nicole : Preview..More to come!!

I have to friend Lauren brought it to my attention that I haven't blogged in 30 days!!! Things have been busy..needless to say. 2010 was really an AMAZING year for me. I owe it to all of my friends who believed in me to get this thing off the ground. I really appreciate all the people who have pushed me along the way with your kind words. It keeps me going..

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