VJ + Nicole : Preview..More to come!!

I have to admit..my friend Lauren brought it to my attention that I haven't blogged in 30 days!!!  Things have been busy..needless to say.  2010 was really an AMAZING year for me.  I owe it to all of my friends who believed in me to get this thing off the ground.  I really appreciate all the people who have pushed me along the way with your kind words.  It keeps me going..During one of my recent weddings, I caught myself laughing at a certain point in the night (it was funny I promise) instead of taking pictures..Immediately, I continued my job..but it made me realize how lucky I am to have fell into this whole venture.  I enjoy it entirely too much.Here is what is to come in 2011:*MORE weddings*MORE posts*A very very very BIG Surprise..I can't release the specifics on this yet..but lets just say "Show your TEETH!"*A Best of 2010 Blog post..*A personal photo site*Possibly a small photo book (my first) named "My Friends".  I am really pushing to get this done in the next few months..wish me luck!Once again, thank you to everyone who has encouraged me from the beginning of this.  Nothing would have been possible without you guys.  Also, to all the pretty faces of my clients..thank you.  You make my job MUCH easier :)Below is one of my favorite photos from the last few months..these guys were beyond rad!Wedding in Austin, Texas


Alan + Hazel : Engagement Session Preview


VJ + Nicole : Engagement Session