VJ + Nicole : Wedding in Weimar, Texas
weddings weddings

VJ + Nicole : Wedding in Weimar, Texas

I've been dying to post these. If you follow my work, you've seen VJ & Nicole featured in the past. They are were married in Weimer, Texas at the St. Cyril & Methodious Catholic Church. As you can see, they are both ridiculously good looking; and along with that they both have hearts of gold. Not much else to say..I think the pictures speak for themselves!

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Year 1:  Jason & Joseph travel to Marfa.
personal personal

Year 1: Jason & Joseph travel to Marfa.

Since going, I have told approximately 50 people where I visited on my first official road trip & vacation of the year. 90% of them had no idea what or where I was referring to. I'll have to admit, I wasn't too familiar with it until several years ago. I kept seeing it through various web articles, and then noticed that No Country for Old Men & There Will Be Blood were both filmed on location in Marfa, Texas.

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