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Marfa 2012 | by video

video. is very. DAUNTING. i can't tell you how many hours this took me to me make. i can't tell how AMAZING it felt to finish. what i can tell you is that i couldn't have done it without a few people. brittan pittman & melissa fitzgerald. thank you BOTH. brittan for helping me with all the nuances of premiere which i had never opened until i started this project, and to melissa for watching and listening to this least 353 times. seriously. thank you thank you thank all: just to get an idea of how special this trip was. we were also included on this show by NBC New York; which can be seen here. every guy on the trip DID in fact hit on Ali.!/the-scene/events/Ali-Finds-Her-Desert-Oasis-at-El-Cosmico-in-Marfa/170713476to my marfians. it was truly an HONOR to make this for us. i say us because during this trip i think we all know we built some weird hippie shit love out there in west texas. i love each and every one of you. thank you SAM for putting this together. seriously. the most humble badass that i know. your chuck norris without all the jokes. the most interesting man in the world without the radio spots. you are a remarkable man, and i think we're all very glad to know you.this is my first video. but not my last. brittan inspired me to do this by watching his summer videos over and over. to be able to gift this video to my friends is an incredible honor. now..i'll shut up, and you can watch. enjoy!ps. the black and white injection in the middle is the "tequila faces" that was spawned from marika horn's brain. :)

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Marfa 2012 | in photos
personal personal

Marfa 2012 | in photos

you know those trips you take in your life, and you'll absolutely never forget them? the ones that you remember 20, 30 years later? this was one of those trips. a few blog posts give it no justice whatsoever but i am going to do my best with the words i have here, and the documentation i'm going to provide. this will all prove that this was by far the best f'ing trip to marfa ever. it even beats beyonce. tip: if you go with a ton of friends, or maybe 1 other friend..stay at the friggin' el cosmico. its amazing. its exactly how marfa should always be enjoyed.this trip completely allow me to let loose creatively; document my friends throughout a 3 day period. not only did i take a few photos, but was really dedicated to creating my first video from this trip. i'll be posting that shortly also. enjoy for now :)

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