kelby arrives | brittan and emily have a baby

I still remember the first time I met Brittan and Emily.Weeks before, I'd visited Austin for a workshop and met the great Geoff Duncan.  Through conversation, Geoff mentioned that I should look up a guy named "Brittan" and that'd I love his work.  Sounded like a cool name, I thought.  Needless to say, I never googled Brittan... not sure why.Fast forward - I show up at this wedding in the middle of nowhere, to start with details, scouting, etc.  Then I see these guys.  Equally beautiful/POWER COUPLE.  Introduce myself.  "Brittan, nice to meet you" he says.  Then it all hits me.  What are the chances?  Then I go on a weirdo rant on how we must be meant to be friends because of my recent conversation about him.  He wasn't amused... but thankfully, Emily was.You see, Emily is a magical woman.  She has the ability to talk to anyone she meets with pure and glorious happiness.  It's a sight to see.  As you can down below - the only woman who has smiled and laughed during child birth.Eventually, I won Brittan over and we became best buds.  Then I asked if I could shoot the birth of Kelby.  Boom, here we are now.My thoughts after witnessing Kelby's birth?  Mind blowing.  Life changing.  Top 3 things I've seen in my life.  Beautiful.  Love triangle.Love all three of you :) houston birth photography2014-02-22_00312014-02-22_00322014-02-22_00332014-02-22_00342014-02-22_00362014-02-22_0037houston birth photography2014-02-22_00392014-02-22_00402014-02-22_00412014-02-22_00422014-02-22_00432014-02-22_00442014-02-22_00462014-02-22_00482014-02-22_00502014-02-22_00512014-02-22_00522014-02-22_00532014-02-22_00542014-02-22_00552014-02-22_00562014-02-22_00572014-02-22_00582014-02-22_00592014-02-22_00612014-02-22_00622014-02-22_00632014-02-22_00642014-02-22_00652014-02-22_00662014-02-22_00672014-02-22_00682014-02-22_00692014-02-22_00702014-02-22_00712014-02-22_00722014-02-22_00732014-02-22_00742014-02-22_00752014-02-22_00762014-02-22_0077


Ashley | on FILM at Chateau Cocomar in Houston, Texas


emily + brian | engagements in downtown houston