tiffany + brandon | wedding in BLACK AND WHITE

another post in black and white thursday.   after last week, i received a few encouraging letters, and tweets from friends.  my explanation behind these posts is #1, i barely have time to make a full wedding post right now, and #2, i see the world in black and white.  don't get me wrong, i LOVE color.  absolutely love.  its vibrant, striking, and just appealing overall.  but there is magic to black and white.  either its being able to see faint of light on tiffany's face, or just enough light to provide detail to her gorgeous dress.after doing this for 2 years this month, i've realized whats important in this crazy photography world.  SLOWING DOWN.  as i've gotten older, i am slowly getting back to the way i was raised.  appreciating everything around me.  growing up on a small farm with every animal a kid could dream of; and the ability to roam, and explore on a daily basis made my imagination run wild.  i guess thats what i'm doing with my photography right now.  i know longer feel i HAVE to shoot a certain way; because joe schmo is.  i now know that allowing myself to shoot the way I WANT will allow me to continue my crazy journey we call being creative (even though i've never actually seen myself as a creative.)what better way to slow down, then viewing my work in only 2 colors (or absence of color :)).  while i continue my journey on this experiment, i'd love feedback from anyone who has, or will read this.  do you like what i'm doing?  is once a week too much?  too little?  are you going to get pissed when i post the same wedding in color?  :)*******RAMBLE OVER********


sara + ryan | engagement PREVIEW


kelly + ron | WEDDING