kate + steven | wedding

[audio:01-sparkadia-the_great_impression.mp3]meeting kate and steven was far from coincendence.  no doubt it was fate.  steven and i actually worked together on a little short with the talented Ryan Booth.  Steven was playing the "villian" and myself the FBI agent; running around in a hot building in the middle of summer with a bullet proof vest on.  fun and sweaty, ha.  steven nor i knew this until our first meeting; realizing "oh yah, we ran around a building playing good guy vs bad guy."anyways, back to the real story here.  instantly meeting them both (again for steven); it was ridiculous the chemistry that was between them.  the day of their wedding; i was able to shoot one of my favorite weddings, and also make life long friends.  they were married at Ecclesia where steven serves as the Executive Pastor.i'm going to side track this blog post a little.  it is very easy for me to get lost in why life has brought me to photograph weddings.  Going week after week of non stop shooting, not to mention the editing can take quite a toll on my overall vision with what EXACTLY i am doing.  then putting together a blog post like this opens my eyes wide.  i have a chance to be apart of and document two peoples most important day of their lives.  MOST important.  that is mind blowing to me.  i am a very lucky man.  very.much love to kate and steven. 


aashish + erin | engagements


becky + ike | engagement